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Lately, the internet seems to abound with personal long-term clothing experiments. You’ve probably heard of some of them, like The Uniform Project, or the many people (myself included) who have participated in Wardrobe Refashion.

But MakeShift is particularly amazing. In her own words:

“MakeShift is an art and research project that examines the relationships between ‘making’, ‘clothing’ and ‘living’. The basic premise for the project is that for a period of one year starting on September 1st, 2009, I will only wear things that I have made myself. Initially this may seem like a reasonable task, but it will include all of my clothes, socks, shoes, underwear, coats, jackets, hats, bathing suits, accessories and anything else I might need to protect my body from the elements while trying to lead a fulfilling life.”

Pretty intense and awesome.



Sarai Mitnick


Sarai started Colette back in 2009. She believes the primary role of a business should be to help people. She loves good books, sewing with wool, her charming cats, working in her garden, and eating salsa.



November 19, 2009 #

I think that’s awesome! The idea truly fascinates me….I’ll definitely be keeping up with her work.


November 19, 2009 #

Fascinating indeed. And I guess you should have a wardrobe of homemade clothes already or have a lot of time on your hands to keep on sewing and crafting!


November 20, 2009 #

Oooh, this Makeshift project is fascinating! Thanks so much for drawing it to oor attention. Her blog is really interesting and has some really thought provoking posts. Personally, I’m really interested in how people go forward in the ‘aftermath’ of these kinds of clothing-based experiments/commitments. I’ll be following this woman avidly. Thanks again Sarai!


November 22, 2009 #

Wonder if the lady makes her own shoes as well ?


November 23, 2009 #

She says that she makes it all, including shoes!