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Visual Inspiration: locations

This week I am inspired by the idea of locations, and how the right setting requires the right dress. Or maybe even the perfect couch inspires the dress? The illustration below is one I made for a short story about an artist couple living in New York. While I was writing the story, I realized I needed to also see them, not just imagine them. The protagonist’s girlfriend Madeline designs her own clothing, and I imagined her entering through a dimly lit doorway wearing a short, flowing belted gold dress.


I love incorporating patterns into my illustrations, and the one below includes Ottoman motifs. Living in Turkey has definitely made me aware of the history of textiles and how long-lasting symbols like the tulip can be found on everything from ceramics to scarves.


Has a particular location or place every inspired you to make something or at least imagine what it would be like to live there?

Rose Deniz



December 16, 2009 #

Ah yes. On the way to family of ours there is ‘the house’. A beautiful mansion that I have been fantasizing about since I was a child. I imagined living there, and ofcourse, if I lived there, I would be clothed in silk gowns only. I mean, really. That’s something that’s obvious :-D


December 16, 2009 #

Karin, that sounds like the perfect place to daydream about! It reminds me of stories I’ve read, and also of film noir. Thanks so much for sharing. And yes, a silk gown is the only choice.


December 16, 2009 #

Oh yes! There was this Mediterranean villa set on the side of a hill in the middle of rural Australia… it was a constant source of imagination to me.

Also, anything about London. I’m easily inspired by London!


December 17, 2009 #

There’s something about the words “Mediterranean” and “villa”, Catherine, that make the imagination run wild. I can imagine why you adored it!


December 30, 2009 #

Oh I so love this! I was enthralled by Tuscan villas. Although there are beautiful homes around me when I go out and just take a walk, somehow going so far away, what might be common homes to people in Tuscany so activated my imagination. I also envision the people I create and want to write about, but don’t have this ability to draw, or I’ve never cultivated it. I get so many visions but how to get them out.


January 7, 2010 #

“Cultivation” is the key word I think, Deb. There are many ways to do it, and drawing isn’t the only one: words may be just your thing. Good luck wrangling those visions into tangible things.


February 10, 2010 #

Your watercolors are beautiful. I love the delicate effect of your color choices.


February 12, 2010 #

Thanks, Trisha, that’s very sweet of you to say. I really appreciate it!