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Seamwork Radio: The Opposite of Creative Block with Leah Price

Many of us are familiar with writer’s block, that creative emptiness that hits you when you have all the freedom in the world and a blank page. But what about the opposite: when you face tough times and a lack of freedom, but discover in that an unstoppable will to create?

Creating something from nothing is Leah Price’s passion. After spending ten years in what she describes as almost complete isolation, caring for her two children with special needs, Leah discovered a deep and abiding creative energy in repurposing what is unloved and wasted.

Leah Price

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Sarai Mitnick


Sarai started Colette back in 2009. She believes the primary role of a business should be to help people. She loves good books, sewing with wool, her charming cats, working in her garden, and eating salsa.



December 8, 2015 #

The article was named incorrectly. She started out wanting to sew and learn more about it. She had 2 special needs kids, and no time to herself. As time became more available, she found something else that she wanted to do. This is not the opposite of writer’s block. And if one were looking for a solution to her problem (kids taking too much time), the answer is, it’ll take 10 or more years until there’s any relief. Depressing.


December 8, 2015 #

I can’t speak for Leah, but a big part of her story was the discovery of creation through found objects, which she discovered in the small moments between caring for her son, on her walks and drives.


December 8, 2015 #

Yes, I read that. I was just disappointed that the title was so wrong. The opposite of writer’s block would be finding a way to do the creative thing that drives you amidst being too busy, not finding something else once you had more time.